Blue Tunes 2

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Monday, October 4, 2010


Everything is a muscle. Not just your biceps or triceps, but I mean the brain... the brain chemistry, the cognitive ways of thinking, including pattern recognition. This is an amazing gift that we have been given... or something that we might have just evolved into. Many will agree with the latter end of the last sentence.

Pain is welcome in my house, only so that I may evolve into a stronger individual. I'll savor the moments when I'm bathing in the positive energies so that I may relax to catch the next wave of ass-whoopings that life has to offer me. I mean, sure, it drags for a while... you might even say it sucks a whole assortment of different ass, but in the end... we grow that muscle. Whether it be emotional, short term memory, long term memory, stamina, tissue, tolerance... these are just some of the goodies in the benefit bag of "hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and headaches".

There are ways to cope with the pain. Meditation could serve as a pain killer... just like a real pharmaceutical product. There have been tests that show that prayer and meditation raise the levels of serotonin (promotes feelings of well being) and dopamine (pleasure). Mix that with a bit of exercise, a healthy diet, good sleep, and positive social networks, and your face should be sporting a smile as big as the Cheshire Cat (that creepy thing from Alice in Wonderland).

Keep on rolling with those punches though. If you fall of the horse, you can either shoot it or get back on. I prefer you get back on... I like horses. I'm not big on mules. If you fall off a mule you can shoot that.

But anyways. That's my rant for the day. Till next time Ravens.

p.s.- God is good... all the time. All the time... God is good. Just ask, and then give back any way you can (I'm not talking about money, just pay it forward).